Best Hair Transplant in Delhi - Doctor Jangid

Hair Transplant Doctor in Delhi

Hair Transplant in Delhi

Hair loss is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide, and it can have a significant impact on one's confidence and self-esteem. However, with advancements in medical technology, there are now several options available to combat hair loss, including hair transplant surgery.

One of the best places to get a hair transplant in Delhi is at Dr. Jangid's Clinic. Dr. Jangid is a renowned dermatologist and hair transplant surgeon with years of experience in the field. He has performed several successful hair transplant surgeries, earning him a reputation as one of the best hair transplant surgeons in Delhi.

The hair transplant procedure at Dr. Jangid's Clinic is done using the latest techniques, ensuring the best possible results. The clinic offers two types of hair transplant procedures: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

FUT involves harvesting a strip of skin from the back of the scalp, which is then dissected into individual hair follicles and transplanted into the recipient area. FUE, on the other hand, involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area and transplanting them into the recipient area.

Both FUT and FUE procedures are performed under local anesthesia and are relatively painless. The procedure can take several hours to complete, depending on the number of grafts required.

After the procedure, patients are advised to take good care of their scalp to ensure proper healing. The transplanted hair follicles will initially fall out, but new hair growth will start within a few months. Patients can expect to see significant hair growth within six to twelve months after the procedure.

Dr. Jangid Clinic offers personalized care to all patients, and the team of experienced professionals ensures that each patient's needs are met. The clinic also provides post-surgery follow-up care to ensure that the healing process is going well.

The cost of hair transplant surgery at Dr. Jangid's Clinic depends on the number of grafts required and the type of procedure chosen. However, the clinic offers affordable packages, making hair transplant surgery accessible to everyone.


In conclusion, if you are looking for a reliable and experienced hair transplant surgeon in Delhi, look no further than Dr. Jangid's Clinic. With years of experience and the latest techniques, you can be sure that you are in safe hands. So book your appointment today and take the first step towards regaining your confidence and self-esteem.

Outlook News: Best Hair Transplant Doctor in Delhi


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